Dancing Deepa
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Book Details
Book Description (FULL)
Deepa LOVES to dance. She studies a dance from India called Bharatanatyam that is like moving poetry! But since her dance is different from what her friends at school do, she isn’t sure if she should share it. Is there someone like Deepa in your class at school? What passion might you two share? Read to find out how you two are alike, how you are different, and how you could be friends to one another.
Genre - children's picture book
Book Title - Dancing Deepa
Paperback 979-8-9860525-0-2
Hardback 979-8-9860525-1-9
Date of Publication - May 31, 2022
Publisher - Kala Vandanam Press
Paperback - $12.95
Hardback - $22.95
Age of intended audience - 5-9 years
Pages - 32
Book Subject
Kids overcoming fears & assumptions, taking risk, cultural awareness & ownership, supportive teachers & friends, dance, art, inclusion
Book Description (SHORT)
Deepa LOVES to dance. But since her dance from India is different from what her friends at school do, she isn’t sure if she should share it. Should she? Will she?